Friday, April 8, 2016


Hi there!! ^_^

Today we are going to talk about Ibnu Sina...who is him..that what we want to talk about..

Ibn Sina (known to Europeansas Avicenna) was a scientist who was born about 980 AD in the north-eastern part of theAbbasid Empire, in the kingdom of the Samanids (modern Uzbekistan). The Samanids supported science and art, and many scientists and artists lived there. Ibn Sina's father was the Iranian governor of a local village, and was himself a respected scholar. Ibn Sina grew up speaking Persian, like many educated people in that part of the world. He was a very smart child, who memorized the whole Quran by the time he was seven years old, even though it was in Arabic, which was nothis first language. While he was still young, he learned about the new Indian number system from traveling teachers. By the time Ibn Sina was eighteen, he was a successful doctor who treated many patients successfully, working in the same town as the earlier scholar Al Razi. Ibn Sina became so famous as a doctor that the Samanid emir (the prince Nur ibn Mansur) cameto him when he was sick. When Ibn Sinacured the emir's sickness, the emir gave him a job as his personal doctor - Ibn Sina was still only 18 years old. As the emir's doctor, Ibn Sina got toread many rare books in the emir's library. But in 999 AD, when the Samanids were conquered by the Ghaznavids, the Ghaznavids turned out to not be so supportive of science. Ibn Sina left his home and traveled further west, looking for rulers who wanted to support him.Ibn Sina's medical textfrom the 1000s AD Ibn Sina had many new scientific ideas. For instance, when he was twenty, Ibn Sina was the first person we know of who realized that "impetus was proportional to weight times velocity." This is the basic equation that describes momentum today. He alsoargued that an object moving in a vacuum would keep moving without slowing down, which is also true. Ibn Sina also said, correctly, that scientists would never succeed in turning metals like leadorcopperin to gold, even though many scientists were trying to do it. Ibn Sina also wrote medical textbooks in Arabic, which doctors like Maimonidesused all over the Abbasid Empire and (once they had been translated into Latin) all over Europetoo all through the Middle Ages. Ibn Sina may have been the first person to realize that you could catch diseases like measlesor small poxortuberculos is from other people (though he didn't know about germs, because thereweren't any microscopes yet).Ibn Sina died in Iran in 1037AD, when he was fifty-eightyears old, of some sort of digestive problem.

Okay just that all for today..thnks for reading it..i knew it was long discription and I know you now have new knowledge right??
Okay see you in the next blog .

See you when I see you

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